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Shandong Port Group Ready to Use Northern Sea Route

  • Murmansk Oblast Governor Andrey Chibis and Shandong Port Group General Director Li Fengli have held a meeting to discuss the spheres for cooperation development in expanding logistics routes and opening new transport corridors for freight transportation.

    ‘The deepwater non-freezing port of Murmansk is a key port in the Russian Arctic, a gate to the Northern Sea Route. It offers a direct access to the Global Ocean without having to pass international straits. Murmansk is an absolute throughput leader among the ports along the Northern Sea Route. It handles a half of the total cargo traffic in the Arctic basin accounting for some 49.5%,’ the Murmansk region government press office quotes Chibis as saying.

    Li Fengli noted that Murmansk Port offers unique possibilities to develop logistics as it operates year-round and has no limitations as to the vessel size. ‘We have goods that can ve shippedto Murmansk via Murmansk. Our links are getting closer. And we hope to expand our cooperation,’ he said.

    Li Fengli emphasized the strategic importance of Murmansk for developing new logistic routes between Russia and China using the Northern Sea Route and expressed interest in working in this direction in cooperation with the Russian partner, Delo Group.

    ‘We have trade links with China, and new markets for our companies are emerging. In 2022, China was the fourth largest trade partner of the region. We plan to continue strengthening our cooperation.’ Chibis said.

    Photo: Murmansk Oblast Government press office

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