«ТрансКонтейнер» построит контейнерный терминал в Подмосковье

TransContainer to Build Terminal in Moscow Region

  • TransContainer has established Usady Comtainer Termial, a company to build and operate a container terminal in the Domodedovo area of Moscow Oblast.

    The 424,000 TEU facility located at the junction of several major transport arteries, the Moscow Rail Ring, the Central Ring Road and the M44 Don Highway is expected to become a hub concentrating goods to and from the Moscow Transport Hub.

    The new terminal will serve as a consolidation center for cargo designated for export from European Russia to the Asian Pacific, Middle East and African markets as well as for other Russian regions including the Urals, Siberia and the Russian Far East.

    The Board of FESCO approved of the project at the end of July 2023. The project is to be implemented during Q4 2023 – Q4 2025.

    Photo: courtesy of TransContainer

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