Новые ричстакеры на ВСК

Two More Reach Stackers for VSC

  • Global Ports has commissioned two new heavy-duty reachstackers at its Far East terminal, Vostochnaya Stevedoring Company (VSC) in the port of Vostochny in Primorsky Kray, the Group said in a statement.

    The reach stackers made by China’s ZPMC have a lifting capacity of 45 tons and are highly maneuverable. They are designed for loading, unloading and storing containers in the areas of yard and railway fronts and will help increase the speed and efficiency of operations at the railway fronts.

    An important feature of the new machines is the ability to handle rail platforms over a single rail track. The new machines complement the 13 reach stackers already deployed at the terminal.

    Global Ports is consistently increasing the operational capacity of its Far East terminal amid the growing foreign trade containerized cargo flows in the Russian Far East, the Group noted.

    According to the Association of Sea Commercial Ports, in H1 2023, the Far Eastern Sea Basin accounted for more than half (51%) of the total volume of containerized cargo handled by sea ports in Russia. In 2022, VSC became Russia’s second largest container marine terminal in terms of throughput.

    In April 2023, VSC commissioned two new mobile cranes with a lifting capacity of 144 tons. During 2023-2024, 9 RTG and RMG cranes are expected to be delivered. Previously, in 2022-2023, Global Ports relocated to VSC more than 25 units of port equipment from its Northwest terminals. Totally, the terminal’s equipment fleet has been increased by 20% over the year. 

    Photo: courtesy of Global Ports

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