Ускорить строительство железной дороги Решт – Астара

Russia and Iran Set to Accelerate Rasht – Astara Railway Construction

  • Next week a group of technical specialists with Sergey Pavlov, Deputy CEO of Russian Railways at the head is to go to Iran in order to accelerate the construction of the Rasht – Astara railway, IRNA reports.

    As Pavlov said in a meeting with Kazem Jalali, Iran’s Ambassador to Moscow, the RF Ministry of Transport and Russian Railways are prepared to provide constant technical support for the construction of the Rasht – Astara railway.

    Kazem Jalali noted that the leaders of the two countries have an intention to put the Rasht – Astara railway, which is one of the key elements of the West part of the North-South International Transport Corridor, into operation as soon as possible.

    On May 17, 2023, RF President Vladimir Putin and President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ebrahim Raisi took part, via videoconference, in a ceremony of signing an agreement between the Government of Russia and the Government of Iran on cooperation in financing the design, construction and supply of goods and services for the Rasht-Astara railway line in Iran, aimed at boosting transportation via the International North-South Transport Corridor. 

    Photo: IRNA

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