Новый китайский сервис на Петербург

New Direct China Service to St. Petersburg

  • On March 17 St. Petersburg-based First Container Terminal received the first call of the new regular container service launched by China’s Torgmoll, Global Ports announced.

    The service operated by Hainan Yangpu Newnew Shipping Co, part of Torgmoll holding, deploys five 2,500 TEU vessels with a fortnightly frequency. The service rotation is: Qingdao – Shanghai – Huangpu (Guangzhou) – St. Petersburg.

    At FCT, block trains will be loaded to deliver imports to Moscow region by rail.

    According to Global Ports, in 2023 Torgmoll is to open a St. Petersburg branch in addition to the existing offices in Moscow and in the Russian Far East.

    Photo: courtesy of Global Ports

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