Правительство увеличило квоту на экспорт удобрений

Russia Increases Export Quotas for Fertilizers

  • The quotas for mineral fertilizers export will be expanded by almost 500 thousand tons, according to Resilution No91 of January 26, 2023 signed by RF Premier Mikhail Mishustin.

    The export quota for ammonium nitrate will be increased by 375 thousand tons, and that for sulphoammophos by 102 thousand tons.

    As a result, the overall quota for mineral fertilizers export will exceed 12 mn tons.

    The RF Ministry of industry and trade was entrusted with distributing the quota between mineral fertilizers manufacturers.

    The quota expansion allows mineral fertilizers manufacturers to sell in the global markets their products that found no buyers in the domestic market.

    The new quotas will be in force till May 31, 2023, the RF Government press office said in a statement.

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