В 2023 году грузопоток по коридору «Север – Юг» может вырасти почти на 80%

Freight Traffic by North-South Corridor May Grow 79% in 2023

  • RF Vice Premier Andrey Belousov has held a meeting of the RF Government Coordination Center to discuss the main tasks in respect of international transport corridors development in 2023.

    According to the RF Government press office, Deputy Transport Minister Valentin Ivanov told the meeting about the planned freight transportation increase by the North-South International Transport Corridor, and in the Azov and Black Sea and Eastern directions.

    The RF Ministry of transport forecasts a 79% growth by the North-South transport corridor, a 21% growth in the Azov and Black Seas direction and an 8% growth in the Eastern direction.

    To help this growth happen, a number of measures is to be implemented including those aimed at infrastructure expansion, customs, plant, veterinary and sanitary control procedures optimization and logistics services improvement.

    Photo: RF Government press office

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