Новый жд сервис Москва – Китай

New Rail Service from Moscow to China

  • SWIFT has launched a new container rail service from Moscow to China. Trains leave from the rail station of Elektrougli and proceed via the border crossings of Naushki, Zabaikalsk or Grodekovo to China.

    The first two train arrived to China in mid-January. One of them proceeded via Zabaikalsk to Harbin, the other was routed via Naushki to Suzhou. They delivered some 250 TEU.

    Most of cargo carried by the service is consumer goods and raw materials, in future, SWIFT plans to add equipment. The company also works on organizing back load to carry consumer goods from China to Russia.

    The train runs on a regular basis, the service frequency is fortnightly.

    Photo: courtesy of SWIFT

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