Первый контейнерный поезд из Узбекистана в Европу по Среднему коридору

First Block Train from Uzbekistan to Europe via Middle Corridor

  • December 16, the first block train laden with products of Almalyk Mine left from Uzbekistan to Burgas in Bulgaria, Uztemiryulcontainer, the container operator, part of Uzbek Railways.

    The train routed from Uzbekistan via Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Bulgaria will run over 4,000 km to deliver 91 TEU of copper concentrate.

    The Middle Corridor, or, otherwise, the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), is a rail freight and ferry system linking China with Europe. It starts from Southeast Asia and China, and runs through Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey before reaching southern or Central Europe. The route is part of China’s ‘Belt and Road’ initiative.

    Photo: Uztemiryulcontainer

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