SASCO вернуло в строй судно

SASCO Vessel Back in Service after Docking

  • Sakhalin Shipping Company (SASCO), part of Delo Group, has welcomed their multipurpose MV “SASCO Aldan” back from the planned docking in China.

    The 12,600 dwt vessel came to Vladivostok after undergoing large-scale electromechanical, mechanical, and hull overhaul at Dalian Jointto yard in Dalian with a barge built for the Kamchatka region on boaed.

    The “SASCO Aldan” will replace on regular services two other company’s vessels due for docking. The Arc4 ice class vessel can operate in the Northern Sea Route.

    It is equipped with a removable tween deck and two 120-ton cranes that can operate in a tandem mode.

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