Новый порт в Архангельской области интегрируют в коридор «Запад – Восток»

New Port Project for Arkhangelsk Region

  • Arctic Port Industrial Complex Talagi Ltd is investing 25 bn rubles ($397.4 mn) into the project bearing the same name, the Arctic Port Industrial Complex Talagi.

    According to the RF Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, the project envisages building a port several with several phases of development to be integrated into the East-West transport corridor.

    The investor intends to establish a plant to manufacture giant cement and iron structure for hydraulic facilities in the Arctic and a ship repair yard to serve Arctic fleet. An industrial park for smaller and medium businesses and agri products processing facility are to be located on the territory of the complex.

    Part of the project is an agri-industrial park for developing business projects in the spheres of industrial aqua culture, fodder production, chemical processing of linen fibers, deep processing of wild-grown plants, and a city farm to grow mushrooms and herbs.

    An agreement on the project was concluded in Arkhangelsk between Arctic Port Industrial Complex Talagi Ltd and the Corporation for the development of the Russian Far East and Arctic in the presence of Alexey Chekunkov, Minister for the development of the Russian Far East and Arctic, and Alexander Tsybulsky, Governor of Arkhangelsk.

    Photo: RF Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic

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