Усть-Луга в особой экономической зоне

Special Economic Zone for Ust-Luga

  • The RF Government has adopted a resolution to establish an industrial special economic zone of Ust-Luga. A decree to this effect was signed by RF Premier Mikhail Mishustin on May 25.

    The SEZ in Ust-Luga is mainly aimed for the LNG plant and the gas and chemical polymer production facility under development in Ust-Luga. The investment into these projects is estimated to make 2.2 bn rubles ($35.5 mn). The new facilities will give jobs tom some 5.6 thousand people.

    Ust-Luga is Russia’s largest and deepest port in the Baltic capable of accommodating large-tonnage vessels, while Leningrad Oblast where it is located has a well-developed power infrastructure with two mainline gas pipelines crossing its territory, which explains the choice of the location for the SEZ.

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