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First Regular Voyage of Nuclear Lighter Carrier “Sevmorput” Scheduled Next Sumer

  • The nuclear lighter carrier “Sevmorput” operated by Rosatomflot is to start on her first regular cabotage voyage by the Northern Sea Route on June 10, 2022, Rosatom said. According to Maxim Kulinko, Deputy Director of the Corporation’s Northern Sea Route Directorate, it is possible to make three such voyages next year.

    He said the “Sevmorput” will not need icebreaking assistance during those voyages taking into account the timing and the ice conditions. The first voyage starting on June 22 from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok is expected to take 43 days. The third voyage is to be completed in mid-November.

    At present, the docking operations the “Sevmorput” was undergoing are completed, the repair programme is accomplished, and the vessel has already been deployed to carry out routine tasks.

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