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High-Speed Fitting Platform

  • Sinara – Transport Machines Holding has presented a fitting platform to carry containers at a speed of 140 km per hour made to the order of Federal Freight Company.

    The design was developed Remputmash and VNIKTI, the platform will be manufactured at the Kaluga-based plant of Remputmash.

    The prototype of the 80-feet high-speed six-axis 13-6704 fitting platform is based on an innovative three-axis bogie and is capable to carry two 40’ units with a reduced load on the infrastructure (20 tons per axis).

    The model is expected to be used to transport containers from the Russian Far East to Central Russia and between China and Europe.

    The prototypes will be tested in Moscow region and then on the Belorechenskaya – Maikop rail branch in South Russia where they will be running at a speed of 140 kmph with laden containers.

    It is expected that the platform will be certified in Q4 2021.


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