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NSR Shipping Intensity Up a Quarter

  • Freight shipping along the Northern Sea Route has grown by 2.6% this year while shipping intensity is up 25.7% year-on-year, according to the RF Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport Rosmorrechflot.

    As of July 22, cargo throughput via NSR sea port with year-round navigation made 17 mn tons compared to 16.6 mn tons during the same period of 2020, Rosmorrechflor report quoting the data of the Northern Sea Route Administration.

    Transit made 37.1 thousand tons (in 2020, there was no transit on the Northern Sea Route during the same period due to the pandemic measures).

    Shipping intensity on the Norther Sea Rote grew by 25.73% year-on-year. The NSR Administration has issued 640 permits to vessel to navigate the route as compared to 509 vessels in 2020. 87 foreign flagged vessels have been given a permit this year compared to 77 vessels in 2020.

    After a slight downturn due to the pandemic, LNG and condensed gas export from Novatek’s terminal in Sabetta. As of July 22 it made 11.3 mn tons, about 2.15% above last year’s 11.1 mn tons.

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