Миллиард на «Северный полюс»

Budget Subsidy to Build Arctic Platform

  • Over 1 bn rubles ($13.8 mn) will be assigned to the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Rosgidromet to complete the construction of the Arctic platform “Severny Polyus” (North Pole) in accordance with a governmental decree signed by RF Premier Mikhail Mishustin on June 17.

    The new platform to be used as a floating weather monitoring and research station can operate both in clear water and in ice conditions. It will make it possible to resume long drifting polar expeditions that were suspended due to the climate change in the Arctic in the early 2000s.

    The platform is 83 meters long, which will allow of accommodating more researchers and equipment on board.

    The subsidy will help complete the construction of the platform in 2021 to hold the mooring and sea trials in 2022.

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