«Рускон» доставил негабарит в Бангладеш

Ruscon Delivers High and Heavy Equipment to Bangladesh

  • Ruscon, part of Delo Group, has delivered heavylift equipment for the Ruppur nuclear power plant under construction in Bangladesh. The shipment consisted of both high and heavy items and a lot of standard cargo, which required diversifying the supply chain schemes.

    The two high  and heavy units weighing 463 and 113 tons respectively and 102 standard size items were loaded on board a ship in St. Petersburg and carried to the port of Mongla.

    From there, the standard items were trucked to the construction site, while the heavyift equipment was carried by barges. The delivery was completed on time in early June, the company said.

    In June Ruscon also delivered equipment for another nuclear power plant project, for Akkuyu in Turkey.

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