FESCO начала северный завоз на Чукотку

FESCO Starts Northern Supply Pogramme for Chukotka

  • FESCO has started transporting cargo to the Chukotka Autonomous Region under the Northern Supply Programme. On June 13, the universal dry cargo ship “FESCO Pioner” set sail to the ports of Anadyr and Egvekinot with 287 TEU and 103 tons of general cargo and machinery on board.

    The voyage is part of FESCO Anadyr Direct Line operated by FESCO. During the season. which is going to last till the end of October, FESCO vessels will make five voyages to the Chukotka region delivering to Anadyr and Egvekinot some 1.5 thousand TEU and 1 thousand tons of general cargo.

    Last year, FESCO carried 22.3 thousand ton of cargo including 1.5 thousand TEU on its Vladivostok – Anadyr – Egvekinot – Vladivostok service. Additionally, some 19.5 thousand tons was carried under the contract with the Chukotka Mining and Geological Company, part of Kinross Gold Group.

    Cargo to remote northern territories in the Arctic and the Far East can be shipped by sea during the summer navigation period only. The so-called Northern Supply programme subsidized by the Government provides for delivering the necessary food products, fuel, construction materials, consumer goods, etc. to those regions that otherwise can be reached by aviation only.

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