21 млрд на СПГ-терминал на Камчатке

Federal Government to Invest 21 Bn RUR into Kamchatka LNG Terminal

  • The Government of the Russian Federation is to invest over 21 bn rubles ($277 mn) into the LNG terminal project to be developed on the Kamchatka Peninsula, according to the governmental order signed by Premier Mikhail Mishustin.

    The money will be used to finance the construction of the entrance fairway to the terminal in the Bechevinskaya Bay. The fairway over 6 km long is to be put into operation in 2023 and will be federal property.

    The Kamchatka terminal is designed for transshipping LNG produced in the Ob Bay from Arctic class LNG tankers onto conventional gas carriers for delivery to customers in the Asia Pacific Reegion.

    The terminal capacity will make 21.7 mn tons per annum. Part of LNG will be used to supply industrial companies and households in the Kamchatka region.

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