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Coal to Japan Accounts for One third of Freight via TransSiberian Railway

  • Russian Railways shared statistics on foreign trade cargo flows by rail between Russia and Japan, which constitutes a significant shares in the overall freight traffic.

    According to Sergey Pavlov, First Deputy CEO of Russian Railways, in 2020 freight transportation between Russia and Japan amounted to record-breaking 50.2 mn tons, up 5.4% year-on-year.

    48 mn tons of this traffic was Russia’s coal export to Japan accounting for almost one third of all freight traffic via the TransSiberian Railway.

    Transit container traffic to/from Japan via the TransSiberian Railway in January-April 2021 surged 88% year-on-year. The TransSiberian LandBridge service offers twice as short transit time as the traditional deep sea route, S.Pavlov noted.

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