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Gazprom Completes First Carbon-Neutral LNG Delivery in Atlantic Basin

  • On March 8, Gazprom Group delivered the first carbon-neutral cargo of LNG in the Atlantic Basin. According to Gazprom export, part of the group, the cargo of Russian origin LNG was delivered to Royal Dutch Shell at the Dragon terminal in the United Kingdom by Gazprom Global LNG Limited.

    Under the carbon-neutral arrangements, Gazprom and Shell in partnership offset the carbon footprint of the cargo with VCS (Verified Carbon Standards) and CCB (Climate, Community and Biodiversity) emission certificates.

    Nature-based carbon credits have been used and will be retired. This allowed the LNG delivered within the deal to achieve full carbon neutrality through offsetting all emissions that arise across the full ‘well to wheel’ cycle, from exploration and production through to transportation and end-use

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