According to SeaNews Russian Foreign Trade Customs Statistics online service, in 2019, Russia imported 1.1 thousand tons of manganese ore, down 18.4% year-on-year, worth $245.5 mn (-32.7% year-on-year).
Manganese ore was imported to Russia from 14 countries, the most significant volumes originating from 3 countries.
680.2 thousand tons of manganese ore was imported from South Africa, down 19.9% year-on-year. In monetary terms, manganese ore import from South Africa declined by 25.8% down to $154 mn. Almost all of the volume was designated for Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Kemerovo regions, and for Moscow.
Import of manganese ore from Gabon amounted to 248.2 thousand tons (-26.6%) worth $72.2 mn (-35.5%). Almost all the volume was designated for Chelyabinsk region.
Manganese ore import from Kazakhstan increased by 11.9% up to 143 thousand tons in physical terms, in terms of value it declined by 59.3% down to $17.2 mn. Ore was designated for Lipetsk, Kemerovo, Sverdlovsk, Tula, and Chelyabinsk regions, and Moscow.