«Ростех» запустит грузовые дирижабли-трансформеры

Rostec to Deploy Cargo Dirigibles

  • Ruselectronics, part of Rostec State Corporation, is developing modular dirigibles with a variable cargo capacity. The company expects that they will be 15% more profitable and 25% more cost efficient than conventional airships.

    Modular dirigibles can be deployed transporting any type of cargo including hevylift and oversize cargo to destinations with no rail and road access.

    The dirigible is made of semi-rigid structures, its cargo capacity can be increased by adding modules between the bow and the aft sections, each module adding a capacity of 4 tons.

    According to Yury Kuznetsov, Managing Director of Ruselectronics’ Dolgoprydny design bureau, dirigibles are especially efficient for cargo transportation to remote regions in the Far North and the Far East, where overland transport infrastructure is not sufficient.

    He said that the demo-versions of modular dirigibles are to be developed in 2021.

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