Новые терминалы в Высоцке

New Terminals for Vyssotsk

  • At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, Leningrad Oblast Governor Alexander Drozdenko signed agreements with investors of two new terminal projects to be realized in the port of Vyssotsk.

    One of the, Vyssotsk Grain Terminal, envisages building a 4 mn tons per annum (3.5 mn tons of export and 0.5 mn of import) grain terminal on a 41 ha territory in the Pikhtovaya Bay in Vyborg District.

    The project worth over 7 bn rubles ($106,7 mn) was initiated by Tekhnotrans. it is expected to become operable by 2022.

    Another project initiated by SPC Vyssotsk envisages building a coal terminal with a single point mooring, rail infrastructure and storage facilities. The project costs 24.3 bn rubles ($373.6 mn).

    Stage 1 with a capacity of up to 7 mn tons per annum is expected to be put into operation by 2021. Stage 2 to be built by 2023 is to expand the overall terminal capacity up to 15 mn tons.

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