Утверждена программа развития РЖД

Russian Railways development Program Approved

  • RF Premier Dmitry Medvedev signed the governmental decree approving the long0term development program for the period until 2025 for Russian Railways JSC.

    The program envisages improving cargo transportation quality, increasing population mobility, expanding foreign activities (transit service included), developing container transportation segment, expanding high-speed network, modernizing rolling stock, developing infrastructure, providing better safety and environmental protection and shifting to “digital rail”.

    The program provides for increasing the capacity of the Baikal-Amur Railway up to 180 mn tons by 2024, as well as increasing the capacity of rail access to the Black Sea ports.

    Other priorities are expanding railway infrastructure capacity to support a four-fold increase in container transportation, and reducing transit time for container transportation, e.g., down to 7 days from the Russian Far East to the western borders of Russia.



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