On Friday, during the visit of Evgeny Ditrikh, RF Minister of Transport, and Yury Tsvetkov, Deputy Minister – Head of the Federal agency for maritime and river transport, to St.Petersburg, Maersk and the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping announced the development of the program of international maritime education.
Under the program, students will have lectures from Maersk specialists in English, followed by internship in Maersk offices.
The new program is intended to improve the educational level of Russian graduates in international trade and shipping and their competitiveness in the global labor market.
Maersk has been cooperating with the Admiral Makarov University since 2010, when a joint educational program in international shipping was launched. In 2015, the company equipped an interactive class in the university.
The new program is expected to start the next academic year.
Photo: RF Federal agency for maritime and river transport