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Plus 28 Million Tons for Russian Ports in 2018

  • During 2018, the aggregate handling capacity of the Russian sea ports is to increase by 28 mn tons, told RF Deputy Transport Minister Viktor Olersky the Board of the RF Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport.

    In 2018, Stage 2 of Sabetta sea port is to be inaugurated, which will add 6 mn tons of capacity, as well as Cargo Area 2 in Murmansk are to be reconstructed, which will add 2 mn tons.

    Plus, port facilities development is planned in the Azov and Black Sea Basin (which will give an additional 6.5 mn tons in Novorossiysk, Azov and Taman) and Baltic Basin (+ 3.5 mn tons).

    During 2001-2017 the aggregate capacity of the Russian ports more than tripled growing from 300 mn tons up to 1,025 mn tons, V.Olersky reminded.

    In 2017, the Russian sea port sector handled almost 800 mn tons (786.4 mn tons, to be exacts), up 8.9% year-on-year.

    The country’s ports handled 93.8% of Russia’s entire seaborne foreign trade, while the ports of Ukraine and the Baltic countries handled 6.2%. in 2016, the proportion was 93.2% vs 6.8%.




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