Жд экспорт через порты

Rail Export via Ports

  • The volumes of export designated cargo loaded onto rail to be carried to sea ports in January-November 2017 increased 6.3% year-on-year to make 266.8 mn tons.

    According to Russian Railways’ statistics, 111.9 mn tons of cargo was loaded to be exported via the RF North-Western ports, up 9.3% year-on-year.

    The volumes loaded for export via the RF Southern ports grew 6.5 to 69 mn tons, and the volumes designated for export via the RF Far Eastern port increased 2.8% to 85.5 mn tons.

    In November, cargo volume loaded for export via the RF North-Western ports increased 1.8% month-on-month to 11.2 mn tons, and that designated for export via the RF Southern port grew 1.6% to 6.4 mn tons, while export designated cargo volume loaded for the Far Eastern port decreased 3.7% to 7.8 mn tons.

    47% of the entire export designated cargo carried by rail is coal, oil accounts for 27%, ferrous metals for 27%, fertilizers for 7% and grains for 3%.

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