О ходе строительства порта Пионерский

New Port Construction for Kaliningrad Region Underway

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    The construction of port infrastructure for the international sea terminal in Pionersky in Kaliningrad Oblast is underway. At present, work is currently underway on the north breakwater section of the harbour to construct the upper monolithic structure and stone backfill from the land. Some 5,000 of soil is to be filled.

    Approximately 170 tons of the planned 3.1 thousand tons of tubing rods was piled at the berth of the cargo and passenger terminal and the fencing bridge. The upper monolithic structure of the berth is also being installed and reinforced.

    As part of the international seaport construction project, it is planned to reconstruct the northern breakwater and build a coastal ramp. Buildings, a berth for port fleet vessels and a cargo-passenger terminal berth are also to be constructed.

    It is planned that the international marine terminal in Pionesky will be capable of receiving 110 cruise liners with no fewer than 225,000 passengers during the cruising season.

    Ferries will call at Pionersky all year round, the planned vessel and passenger traffic is 312 ferries with 77,800 cars annually, the freight traffic is expected to make no fewer than 80,000 units annually.

    Photo: SeaNews

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