Первое судно FESCO зашло в Анадырь

First FESCO Vessel Deployed Under Northern Supply Programme Comes to Anadyr

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    The first FESCO-operated vessel deployed under the Northern Supply programme has come to the port of Anadyr in the Russian Far East delivering 4.3 thousand tons of cargo.

    According to Chukotka Information Agency, the “FESCO Moneron” left the port of Vladivostok last week and was to have called at Egvekinot but due to the complicated ice conditions had to change the route omitting that port.

    The vessel delivered to Anadyr food products, equipment, machinery and construction materials. After unloading the “FESCO Moneron” will proceed to the Kresta Gulf to deliver 1.3 thousand tons of cargo to Egvekinot.

    The next vessel expected to call Anadyr under the Northern Supply Programme is the “Aurora” with that left the port of Provideniya756 thousand tons of cargo.

    According to Chukotka information agency, navigation in Egvekinot usually starts around June 20. But at present the bay is covered with ice, and the two vessels that came to Egvekinot, a tanker and a ro-ro ship have been waiting to enter the port for more than a week.

    FESCO plans six voyages to Anadyr and Egvekinot during this year’s navigation season deploying three dry cargo ships, the “FESCO Navarin”, the “FESCO Moneron” and the “Ussuri”.

    Photo: Chukotka information agency

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