Azov and Black Sea Basin Throughput in April 2021: Coal and Coke Up

Azov and Black Sea Basin Throughput in April 2021: Coal and Coke Up

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    The article is based on SeaNews PORTSTAT online service (available for SeaNews subsribers).

    According to SeaNews PORTSTAT analytic online service, the total cargo throughput via the Azov and Black Sea basin ports in April 2021 decreased by 6.2% year-on-year. Export declined by 1.7%, cabotage was down 68.8%. Import grew by 21.2%. Transit remained much on the previous year’s level (+0.1%).

    The share of the Azov and Black Sea basin in the total cargo traffic via all the Russian seaports in April 2021 amounted to 29.7%.

    More than half of the total was oil and products, with crude oil accounting for 32.1% of the overall throughput, and oil products for 24.6%. Coal and coke amount to 15.8%. Grain constituted 7.9% of the total.

    It should be noted that the highest growth was in the coal and coke segment (up 2.3-fold), ferrous metals (+57.5%), piece cargo (+31.9%).

    The commodities that decreased the most were other bulk (grab) (-65.2%), timber and logs (-64.7%) and grain (-58.6%).

    Novorossiysk accounted for 56.5% of the aggregate cargo throughput via the Russian Azov and Black basin sea ports in April. Taman handled 15.4%, and Tuapse 12% of the total.

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