Назначен первый замминистра транспорта

Senior Vice-Minister of Transport Appointed

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    Innokentiy Alafinov has been appointed Senior Vice-Minister of Transport of Russia. Premier Dmitry Medvedev signed  decree to this effect on August 2, 2018.

    I.Alafinov has a university decree in finance and started his career in 2005 in banking working for Yugra Bank and Slavneft Bank.

    In 2000-2009 he served for the RF Ministry of Finance, in 2009-2013 was deputy Head of the RF Federal Road Agency, in 2013-2014 was assistant to the minister of transport, in 2013-2014 was assistant to the minister of finance.

    In 2014 I.Alafinov was appointed member of the executive board public company Russian Roads, the position he occupied until recently.






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