Пятитысячный танкер КТК

CPC Loads 5,000th Tanker

  • Извините, этот техт доступен только в “Eng”.

    Today the Caspian Pipeline Consortium has completed loading its 5,000th tanker since the start of operations in 2001. It was the “Nautilus” chartered by Tengizchevroil.

    CPC CEO Nikolay Gorban commanded to start loading in a video conference regime from the company’s office in Moscow.

    During the 17 years of operations, the CPC pipeline system transported over 530 mn tons of oil and loaded 5,000 tankers, he said commenting the event.

    Last year, CPC completed the system expansion project increasing the pipeline annual capacity to 67 mn tons.

    This year, CPC intends to transport 67 mn tons, including 58.77 mn tons of crude from Kazakh producers and some 8.03 mn tons extracted in Russia.

    In 2017, the CPC terminal near Novorossiysk loaded 55.1 mn tons of oil, up 24.4% year-on-year.

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