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Another Firm Stake

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    According to the Association of European Businesses, by the end of 11 months of 2017, sales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles (LCV) in Russia increased by 11.7% compared to the same period in 2016 and amounted to 1.4 million units.

    In November the number of passenger cars and LCVs sold in Russia amounted to almost 152.3 thousand units – up 15% compared to November 2016.

    Joerg Schreiber, Chairman of the AEB Automobile Manufacturers Committee, commented: “With 15% year-on-year improvement, November sales result put another firm stake in the ground on the recovery path of the Russian car market. Cumulative sales in the past 11 months delivered a plus of 12% over the same period in 2016. It is well worth remembering that exactly one year ago, we were still looking at a cumulative minus of 12%. Quite some progress in a short period of time. One month to go before we know how good the current year finally was, and where the starting line for 2018 will be”.  

    In November the TOP-5 list of the of the Russian car market leaders remained unchanged. Lada holds the first position, increasing sales by 14% compared to November 2016. KIA rates the second, the brand’s sales grew 10% compared to the same month last year. Hyundai continues to occupy the third position, while its sales volumes decreased by 3% compared to November 2016. Renault is in the fourth place, the brand’s sales in November increased by 15%. Volkswagen remains in the fifth position, increasing the sales volume significantly — plus 29%.

    During the month under report the sales of the following brands grew significantly: Genesis (5.5 times), Foton (4.9 times) and Ravon (4.4 times). Among the brands that saw their sales reduce notably compared to November 2016 are Jeep (-40%), Jaguar (-33%) and Cadillac (-25%).      

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