«Совкомфлот» и ГТЛК заключили соглашение о долгосрочном сотрудничестве

Sovcomflot and GTLK sign agreement on long-term cooperation

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    Sovcomflot and State Transport Leasing Company (GTLK) signed an agreement on cooperation. The document was signed December 6 as part of the 11th International Forum «Transport of Russia».

    The agreement was signed by the general director and the chairman of the board of Sovcomflot Sergey Frank and the general director of GTLK Sergey Khramagin. Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov also took part at the signing ceremony.

    This agreement should provide long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation aimed at the development of domestic shipping, shipbuilding and maritime transportation of Russian export cargo. Within the partnership between the two companies, it is planned to establish an exchange of experience in the development and implementation of innovative forms and systems of financing of acquisition and construction of ships.

    Earlier in September of 2016, Sovcomflot and GTLK together with Rosneft and Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex signed a package of agreements that provide for the construction of five oil tankers Aframax of new generation on gas engine fuel and which will subsequently operate under Sovcomflot in the interests of Rosneft. Building of these tankers will contribute to the development of high-tech production of modern large-capacity civil vessels in the Far Eastern region of Russia.

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