Норильский никель, Совфрахт и Атомфлот подписали  соглашение о сотрудничестве по Арктике

Norilsk Nickel, Sovfracht and Atomflot sign cooperation agreement on the Arctic

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    As part of the 7th International Forum «Arctic: Present and Future», Norilsk Nickel «, Sovfracht and Atomflot signed a trilateral strategic cooperation agreement.

    According to Norilsk Nickel, the purpose of the cooperation is to ensure the most effective commercial loading of existing capacities, develop methodological approaches and prepare logistics solutions for complex transport projects and their practical implementation.

    According Norilsk Nickel, the company’s capital investments voiced at the forum, in the period from 2017 to 2020, will amount to more than 550 billion rubles, including investments in the implementation of projects in the Russian Arctic which will amount to 470 billion rubles.

    In addition to modernization of its own production, the company is carrying out a large-scale program of updating the infrastructure, including the reconstruction of the port of Dudinka.

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