Грузооборот российского транспорта

Cargo Turnover of Russian Transport

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    The transportation of goods by Russian transport in January-October 2017 amounted to 6 billion 397.8 million tons, up 2.7% compared to the same period of 2016.

    Road transport accounts for 67% of the total volume of cargo transportation by all modes of transport.

    For the first 10 months of this year, 4 billion 294.7 million tons of cargo were transported by road transport, 2% more than the last year.

    According to the Federal State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, rail cargo transportation increased by 3% compared with the same indicator of January-October 2016 to 1 billion 049.6 million tons. Cargo shipments by maritime transport were up 16.2% to 20.8 million tons.

    The volume of shipments by inland waterway transport decreased by 7.4% to 99.1 million tons. Air transportation for the 9 months of 2017 increased by 8.6% and amounted to 0.9 million tons.

    Pipeline transportation reached 932.4 million tons, up 6.3% than in January-October of the previous year.

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