Минпромторг и ВТБ разработают инвестпрограмму ОСК

Investment Program for United Shipbuilding Corp to Be Developed

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    A long-term set of measures to develop Russia’s manufacturers’ competencies in the shipbuilding segments is to be developed, according to the instruction given by RF Premier Mikhail Mishustin as a follow-up of the strategic session to discuss the development of United Shipbuilding Corporation.

    The document is to developed by the Ministry of industry and trade, the Ministry of finance and the Ministry of economic development and is to be submitted to the RF Government by December 25. The measures will cover a period till 2035, the governmental press office reports.

    The Ministry of industry and trade is also commissioned with upgrading the shipbuilding industry development strategy for a period till 2035 basing on the current shipbuilding market trends.

    The Ministry of industry and trade in cooperation with VRB Bank are to develop an investment program for United Shipbuilding Corporation presenting it to the Government by June 3.

    The program should include measures to modernize the existing yards and building new facilities in order to reach the targets set for the Corporation for the period till 2035.

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