РЖД и Почта России тестируют новый ускоренный контейнерный поезд

Express Block Train to Novorossiysk Tested

  • October 1 a block train organized by Russian Railways and Russian Post started a test run from the station of Vorsino in Kaluga region to Novorossiysk.

    According to Russian Railways, the train consists of innovation fitting platforms designed for transportation at a speed of 140 km per hour. This makes the new express almost twice quicker than standard block trains and the transit time to Novorossiysk about a day, just like a passenger train.

    In its test run, the first express block train is to deliver 80 containers to the port of Novorossiysk. There, its schedule is coordinated with the scheduled of liner services provided by Silmar Group.

    Photo: Russian Railways

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