«Агроэкспрессы» будут ходить в Китай чаще

Agroexpress Train Service Frequency to China Expanded

  • RZD Logistics is increasing the frequency of Agroexpress reefer train service for food products from Russia to China, the company said in a statement.

    Full-length reefer trains will run from Chekhov in Moscow region to Chengdu in China via the territory of Kazakhstan on a regular basis.

    The project expansion has become possible thanks to the cooperation with Kazakhstan’s KTZ Express, which will provide freight forwarding services in Kazakhstan, RZD logistics explained.

    The commodities transported include ice cream, bread and bakery products, confectionery, as well as meat and poultry. According to RZD Logistics, Russian sweets and ice cream are quite popular in China.

    Photo: courtesy of RZD Logistics

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