Казахстанским судам разрешили транзит из Каспийского моря в Балтийское

Russia Permits Kazakh Vessels to Transit from Caspian to Baltic

  • The Government of the Russian Federation has issued permits to three Kazakhstan-flagged vessels to transit from the Caspian to the Baltic using its inland waterways. Order Ni1784-r to this effect was signed by RF Premier Mikhail Mishustin on July 4, 2023.

    In accordance to the document, the “Alcor Star”, the “Acrux Star” and the “Arcturus Star” are allowed to pass from the Caspian to the Baltic from Astrakhan via the Volga River, the Rybinsk water reservoir, the Volga-Baltic Waterway, the Onega Lake, the Svir River, the Ladoga Lake the Neva and St. Petersburg.

    Earlier, the RF Government granted permits to 17 Azerbaijan-flagged vessels to pass from the Caspian to the Sea of Azov and to an Iranian ship to pass from Rostov-na-Donu in the Black Sea to Astrakhan in the Caspian.

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