Первое пассажирское судно у нового плавучего причала в порту Таганрог

First Passenger Vessel at New Floating Berth in Taganrog

  • On Sunday July 2023, the first passenger vessel, MV “Konstantin Fedin” berthed at the new floating berth recently put into operation in the sea port of Taganrog. 

    Rosmorport, Russia’s federal port property management agency, completed the construction of the berth in May this year and dredged the port basin and the fairway to make it possible for sea-going and inland passenger vessels to call Taganrog.

    The 96 meters long 16 meres wide berth can accommodate ships up to 141 meter long.

    It is expected that the new facility will make Taganrog more attractive for tourists.

    Photo: Rosmorport

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