В портах РФ разрешили строить терминалы для перевалки опасных удобрений

Russia Permits Terminals for Hazardous Fertilizers

  • The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation by Order No71 of March 9, 2023 made amendments to the Regulations of technology design of sea ports concerning the requirement of technology design of facilities for handling, storing and transporting ammonium nitrate in sea ports.

    According to Russia’s government port property management agency Rosmorport, the amendments also contain safety requirements to protect human health, environment, buildings and other infrastructure at marine terminals.

    The amendments were developed by the Krylov State Research Centre on commission from Rosmorport. They make it possible to build specialized terminals for handling hazardous fertilizers in Russian sea ports. Previously, Russian fertilizers producers had to use port facilities in Ukraine and the Baltic republics as there were no such terminals in Russia.

    It is expected that the amended regulations will help increase mineral fertilizers export and switch cargo flows from foreign ports to Russian terminals.

    Photo: Uralchem-Uralkali

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