В Иране планируют создать транспортный хаб для экспорта зерна из России

Transport Hub Project for Russian Grain Exports in Iran Discussed

  • A transport hub for grain exported from Russia is planned to be developed in Iran, Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the RF State Duma Committee for international affairs in a meeting with Hossein Amir Ablollahian, Minister of foreign affairs of Iran.

    The parties discussed the issues of further work on the ratification of the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea as well as a number of important infrastructure-related economic projects.

    ‘The most important of these are the International North-South Transport Corridor, which in the very near future will become a real alternative to the Suez Canal and the Black Sea straits, and the cooperation in the energy sphere including the nuclear energy sector, oil and gas exploration and production on the territory of Iran, gas transit via the Caspian, and the electrification of the Garmsar – Inche Burun railway line by Russian companies,’ the State Duma press office quotes Slutsky as saying.

    ‘As to the back load by this transport corridor from Russia, it will be mainly grain. A major grain hub can be developed in Bender-Abbas or Bender-Homeini,’ he suggested.

    He added that the parties are open for third parties to take part in the consortium but the basic idea is that the hub will be established by Russia and Iran.

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