«Рускон» отправил лен в лайнер-бэгах

Ruscon Loads Linseeds into Liner Bags

  • Ruscon, part pf Delo Group, made a test shipment of linseeds in containers to China, the Group said in a statement. Linseeds were stuffed into liner bags, special polypropylene liners.

    Two 20-foot containers were carried on board a container train from Yekaterinburg to the port of Vostochny and then shipped to the destination by sea.

    The shipment was organized and forwarded by the local Ruscon office. The loading of seeds was carried out using an innovative method developed by the company at the elevator in Chelyabinsk. It took just 30 minutes to fill one container.

    The rolling stock was provided by TransContaine , also part of Delo Group. The shipment was loaded on board a vessel at the terminal of Vostochnaya Stevedoring Company (VSC, part of GlobalPorts).

    Commenting on the test shipment, Alexander Krylov, CEO of the Ruscon representative office in Yekaterinburg, said: “Containerized transportation of seeds in container bags, on the one hand, has all the advantages of such delivery – directly from the consignor to the customer without re-stuffing and losses. On the other hand, it protects the cargo from unfavorable external factors, so we will increase the shipment volumes using this loading method, primarily from TransContainer’s terminal in Ekaterinburg”.

    “We are also developing container train shipments via the facilities of our new transportation and logistics center “Uralsky” in Ekaterinburg. This point is the first stage of an ongoing global project for the creation of a major logistics hub in the center of our country. This provides us with the highest speed and most convenient cargo handling for our customers,” he added.

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