«ТрансКонтейнер» запустил сервис из Китая в Россию через погранпереход Соловьёвск

New China – Russia Train Service via Solovyovsk

  • TransContainer, part of Delo Group, in cooperation with Russian Railways and Ulan-Bator Railway, has organized first container shipment from China to Russia via the border crossing checkpoint of Solovyovsk on the border between Russia and Mongolia in Zabaikalsk Kray. Until now, there was no container transportation by rail via this border crossing, TransContainer said.

    As part of the service, TransContainer provided rolling stock, completed customs formalities, and delivered the cargo, while Russian Railways and Ulan-Bator Railway coordinated the process administratively.

    Under the test shipment, two containers were sent from the rails station of Bayantumen in Mongolia to be carried via the Ereentsav- Solovyovsk border crossing to TransContainer’s terminal in Shushary in St. Petersburg.

    According to TransContainer, the company plans to launch a regular service by this route in future.

    Photo: courtesy of TransContainer

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