Логисты и страховщики о ситуации в Казахстане

Block Train for Agri Export from Kazakhstan to China

  • RZD Logistics has launched a block train to transport agriproducts export from Kazakhstan to China. Two pilot trains carrying 124 40’ units laden with 3,226 tons were sent from the station of Baiserke in Kazakhstan to the station of Wuweinan in China.

    The products transported included wheat, processed grains, wheat bran, safflower seeds, vegetable meal, etc. The trains are routed via the Dostyk-Alashankou border crossing. The distance is some 3 thousand km, the transit time makes 4 days.

    By the end of February, another 6 or 7 trains are to be sent laden with bran, wheat, barley, flour, linseed and other agriproducts.

    Photo: Kazakhstan Temir Zholy


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