Фрахтовые ставки из порта Усть-Луга, неделя 49, 2021

Freight Rates from Ust-Luga, Week 48, 2021

  • On week 49, the Baltic market was stable, freight rates demonstrated a significant growth.

    In the Baltic region, free tonnage remains low and freight is growing rapidly. Many charterers do not see the expediency of selling low-margin goods for export, since the cost of transportation overlaps the profit from sales, Sea Lines shipbrokers report. Thus, the cost of shipment to ARAG, as for today, is 66 euro per mt.

    According to Sea Lines, on week 49 freight rates for 3,000-5,000 dwt bulkers from Ust-Luga to Riga made €45 pmt and those to Gdansk were €47 pmt.

    Freight rates from Ust-Luga made €48 pmt to Szczecin, €53 to Flensburg, and €65 to Hamburg.

    Rates from Ust-Luga were €66 pmt to ARAG, €70 pmt to East Britain, €73 pmt to West Britain, and €75 pmt to Dublin.

    Please note that the rates cited in this article are average market rates. We ask our readers to pay attention that this information is not a commercial offer and cannot be an example for comparison in commercial disputes and arbitration.

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