Итоги летне-осенней навигации в акватории Севморпути

NSR Summer and Autumn Navigation 2021 Statistic

  • Atomflot, the operator of Russia’s nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet, has posted some statistics of this year’s summer and autumn navigation in the Northern Sea Route.

    During July 1 – November 30, 111 convoy was escorted by the Northern Sea Route compared to 66 convoys during the same period of 2020. 62 convoys were headed east, and 49 convoys headed west.

    98 of the voyages were transit while last year there were only 65 transit voyages.

    The only month during this year’s summer and autumn navigation period when the nuclear icebreakers did not have to escort commercial vessels was September when the navigation situation was most favourable.

    At present, four nuclear-powered icebreakers are deployed in the Northern Sea Route, namely, “Taimyr”, “Vaigach”, “Yamal” and “50 Let Pobedy”.

    On December 7, “Taimyr” completed an operation to escort eight ships of different types and navigation characteristics westwards, for the first time in the history of the Northern Sea Route.

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