В порту Лавна планируют построить контейнерный терминал

Container Terminal Project for New Port of Lavna in Russian Arctic

  • A container terminal project is planned in the new port of Lavna under construction in Murmansk Oblast. The issue was discussed during the visit of former transport minister Yevgeny Dietrich, now CEO of State Transport Leasing Corporation (GTLK) and deputy transport minister Vasily Desyatkov to the region.

    The port of Lavna is Russia’s f\first concession project. A ‘take-or-pay’ agreement for handling coal securing 18 mn tons of coal per annum for the new port until 2043 was signed in August 2021.

    The construction of Lavna was hindered by the pandemic but has activated again since September this year. The investor of the coal terminal is Lavna Commercial Sea Port Ltd.

    The company is also planning to build a container terminal. According to Dietrich, the master plan of the project has been developed. The terminal, when fully developed, could handle some 3.5 mn TEU a year, he said.

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